Privacy policy
Last updated: November 13, 2023
This privacy statement describes how we use data in our browser, websites and services. Some of the data we use is considered “personal data” under applicable law. However, even when we use personal information, we generally have no way of identifying you as an individual, and our users are essentially anonymous to us.
The specific categories of data that we collect, use or process may vary from product to product, purpose to purpose and, in some cases, based on your location. This privacy statement sets out when, how and why we process your data (including, but not limited to, personal data), and your rights under applicable law.
First, let's define some key terms.
Personal data: “any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person”. This includes data such as your IP address, device identifiers, and location. Below, where we describe how we process personal data, we also list the specific purpose of this processing, as well as our legal basis under the law.
Data controller: person or company who decides whether and how to process personal data.
Data processor: a person who processes personal data on behalf of a data controller.
Legal basis: the specific legal bases we use to process personal data.
Consent: When we process personal data based on your consent, this means that you have expressly given us permission to do so.
Contractual grounds: where we process personal data because it is necessary for the performance of a contract, for example to provide you with a service as described in our terms of service or other agreement.
Legitimate interest: when we process personal data on the basis of a legitimate interest, this means that we have a certain use of the personal data (such as ensuring the proper functioning of products) which is balanced with your right to life private.
Legal compliance: In some cases it is necessary for us to process personal data in order to fulfill other legal obligations, for example detecting fraud, ensuring that you are who you say you are, etc.
Applications: The specific applications we offer, as mentioned below, including our desktop browser.
Purpose: the specific reason(s) for which we process personal data.
Processing: collection or use of personal data. Below, we've used it in this general sense when we have a general meaning in mind, and used more specific terms (like "store" or "share") where appropriate.
Retention: the period for which we will continue to store the data. We generally do not process or store personal data for longer than necessary and therefore delete them after a certain period of time. We have included more specific details on retention periods below, which vary depending on the type of personal data involved and the purpose for which it is processed.
Ololan LLC: our company Ololan LLC (an Ivorian company) which develops and publishes the Ololan browser.
The types of data (including personal data) we process vary significantly depending on the applications you use. You can learn more about how each of our products processes data below.
Desktop Browser
The following sections describe how we process data (including but not limited to personal data) in our desktop application: Ololan Browser for computers (on Windows).
Ololan account
Our browser or websites do not require you to log in before you can start using them. However, you can create an Ololan account to use certain services in the future. Again, you do not need to create an Ololan account to use our browser application for regular browsing activities, such as browsing the web.
If you choose to create an Ololan account, we will ask you for your lastname, your firstname, your date of birth, an email address, and a password generated by you. The email address will be used to identify you as a user and for password recovery.
You can delete your Ololan account. We do not keep your data after you decide to terminate your Ololan account. Your Ololan account will be automatically deleted if you do not log in for one year.
Purpose: to allow you to access certain services.
Legal basis: contractual reasons (e.g. providing the services to you), legitimate interest.
AI Chat
Depending on the browser version you are using, you may be able to access an AI-powered chat assistant (“Ololan Eina”).
You don't need an Ololan account to access Ololan Eina but having one to access Ololan Eina can be require in the future.
Scope of conditions
Your contribution (any data you choose to provide to Ololan Eina, including personal data) is not shared with any third parties. You agree that you give us your permission for such data processing when you install the Ololan browser.
Once your session is over, your chats will be automatically deleted from your device and on the Ololan servers. You can also deactivate AI Chat via the settings in the Ololan Eina settings.
Objective: Provide and manage the service
Legal basis: Legitimate interest (for Ololan account data), Consent (for any data you enter in Ololan Eina)
Usage Statistics
When you install an Ololan application, a random installation ID is generated. We collect this identifier, along with machine ID, hardware specifications (model, release date, etc.), operating system, environment configuration, and feature usage data to improve our products and services. For example, we may use it to analyze how our users interact with our applications, or to detect and debug problems. We have no practical way of using this information to personally identify you. We retain this usage data for up to one years. You can opt out of reporting extended statistics via the settings menu and choose not to “Send usage statistic”.
Objective: Improve our products.
Legal basis: Legitimate interest.
If you visit our websites, we may collect your IP address to help us diagnose problems with our servers and administer our websites. We use the IP addresses of website visitors only for this purpose and may retain these website access logs for up to six months.
On Ololan for Windows computers, we may use the Ololan Eina component to promote the browser and its features to you. Ololan Eina is part of the Ololan browser for Windows and can be manually disabled via browser settings. To learn more about Ololan Eina, please read our dedicated section on this topic in this statement.
Use of cookies
We do not use cookies on our websites.
Children's privacy
There is no guarantee that children will not be able to access our websites or use our application without parental consent or notification. Therefore, and as provided in our end user license agreements, we ask that children include their parents in the download process, and we encourage parents to read this privacy statement before allowing their children to use our applications and services.
International data transfers
We may share or make available data (including personal data) with third parties, such as our hosting partners.
Your rights and updates to your declaration
You have the right to delete any personal data we may have. You can do this by deleting your Ololan account.
When we post changes to this privacy statement, we will include the date the statement was last updated. If we materially change this statement, we will notify you of the upcoming change via our website. We encourage you to review this statement periodically.
If you have any questions regarding this statement or privacy concerns in our applications or services, please do not hesitate to contact our Data Protection Officer via .